Founded by Ailsa Petchey & Geraldine Brooks, Olive-Health app is created with a mission to support, encourage, empower and enable women to manage their hormones and take back control.Created by qualified experts in fitness, nutrition, wellness and development of holistic menopause products this app is going to give the support you need. From the moment you sign up to the Olive-Health you will be able to personalise your profile to help you set goals, recognise symptoms, monitor how you feel, create new healthier eating and nutrition plans, interact with exercise videos for all levels of fitness, that will strengthen your body and improve your mind, learn new selfcare routines using the gorgeous Shhh… Menopause Wellness range of products plus many others and create some new healthier habits to empower you to manage your hormones at all stages of life.This is a safe space to share stories, connect with other likeminded users and break down menopause and hormone taboos.We want to help make a difference across the world with informed guidance, on health and wellness in a holistic way and also supported with expert GP advice, so you have all the facts to know how to manage your menopause, your way. Use the Olive-Health to:* Understand more about the 3 stages of menopause* Create healthier habits to reduce hormone imbalance* Enjoy actively participating in exercise workouts for all fitness levels, that will strengthen and improve bone density. From 2 minute mini sessions to 20 -30 minutes to encourage movement and release positive hormones.* Enjoy a range of healthy yet delicious recipes to encourage better eating habits and reduce symptoms* Selfcare guidance for sleep, anxiety, wellness and symptom reduction* Regular expert discussions with Dr Carys Sonnenberg to provide evidence-based support, advice and best practice on symptoms and HRT (you will always be advised to visit your own GP practice for individual assessment and advice)* Access to eBooks and learning materials to help you understand what you are going through* Access to Shhh Menopause Wellness and other calming products that have been designed to ease anxiety, sleep insomnia, plus there are boosting supplements all aimed at menopause wellness using natural essential oils and ingredients and made here in the UK.* There is a community section to chat to others, share stories, read others, receive updated information from Olive-Health, Q & A and tips about Menopause* You can track your symptoms and your progress on nutrition, sleep, selfcare and exercise.* There will be monthly challenges to join in with and enjoy* How to create and maintain healthy new habits to support a positive mind setEvery woman will go through menopause at some stage in their life and we want to ensure you feel supported, empowered and have a little fun along the way! Empowering your wellbeing, at home or on the go, at your leisure.